理解需求 for Business
If your business is on a pricing plan that includes demand, 了解电力需求如何影响您的能源账单和定价计划选项.
- 不符合: 非同步需求收费是根据每月最大需求或每年最大需求的50%(在任何15分钟间隔内)的较高千瓦需求计算的。. 非同步需求可以发生在任何时间:白天或晚上或高峰期间, off-peak, 或者是非高峰时段. 非同步需求收费是公用事业分配公司(UDC)总费率的一个组成部分. This charge recovers the transmission and distribution costs that SDG&E incurs to serve individual customers, 如输电和配电线路的成本和配电变电站的大小,以满足客户的负荷要求.
- On-peak: 高峰需求费用适用于在账单周期的高峰时间段内出现的最高kW需求(以15分钟的间隔). The on-peak demand charge periods vary by season, 夏季为6月1日至10月31日,冬季为11月1日至5月31日. Like the non-coincident demand charge, the on-peak demand charge is a component of the UDC Total Rates. 这笔费用恢复了可持续发展目标&E’s costs for building out electric infrastructure, 如配电变电站和配电输电线路, 支持与非发电相关的成本,以满足高峰需求.
- 代: 发电需求收费适用于高峰时段的最高千瓦需求(间隔15分钟), 随季节变化. (Summer is June 1 to October 31, and winter is November 1 to May 31.)此收费可收回满足高峰能源需求的发电成本. 而发电需求收费与高峰需求收费相似, it is a component of the 电 Energy Commodity Cost (EECC). 社区选择聚合器(CCA)客户可以从他们的CCA获得发电费用的详细信息.
公司 是一家每周营业30小时,每月120小时需要40千瓦的汽车修理店吗. A公司每月一个小时需要100千瓦来启动车间的机器和电器. 公司’s monthly energy use is 4,800kwh (40kw × 120小时), while their maximum demand is 100 kW. 因此, in addition to paying energy charges for using 4,800 kWh, A公司也将为其最大需求100千瓦支付需求费.
B公司 是一家印刷企业,每周营业40小时,每月160小时,需要20千瓦的电力. B公司每月的用电量为3,200千瓦时(20千瓦X 160小时),而他们的最大需求量为20千瓦. 因此, in addition to paying energy charges for using 3,200 kWh, B公司也将为其最大需求20千瓦支付需求费.
If your demand increases enough to change your pricing plan eligibility, you may be moved into a pricing plan for a larger business. 继续注册您当前的定价计划,并进行一些调整以管理需求, you can remain eligible for your current plans as follows:
- 如果您的企业是小型企业的定价计划(需求低于20千瓦), 如果你的需求至少保持在20千瓦以下,你可以继续使用你目前的计划一年 每年一个月, 如果你 demand does not exceed 20 kW in two out of 12 consecutive months.
- If your business is on Schedule TOU-M, 针对中型企业(需求在20千瓦至40千瓦之间)的定价计划, you can stay on your current plan if you avoid 连续三个月 超过40千瓦的需求.
- Track and manage your energy use information in 我的账户 so that you better understand how and when your business uses energy.
- 评估你的业务 平衡或降低需求.
- Consider shifting energy use to different time periods.
- Stagger the use of heavy equipment to eliminate spikes in demand.
- Power down electronics when your business closes for the day.
- Reduce the number of devices that you operate at the same time.
- Use equipment at a lower intensity.
- Install energy-efficient equipment 减少整体需求. 参观我们的储蓄中心 了解更多信息.
- 了解你的定价计划. 了解您的定价计划的细节,以及您当前的计划是否适合您的业务运营.
- 进行个性化比较. When you 登录我的账户, review the plans available to you. It’s a good practice to regularly check plan comparisons, as changes in your demand may affect your pricing plan options.
- Review pricing plan options and find more energy-saving tips 通过访问 thehinduonnet.com/mybusiness.
公用事业分配公司(UDC)总费率是分配的总和, 传输, 公益项目, and other charges excluding 电 Energy Commodity Cost (EECC), Department of Water Resources Bond (DWR-BC), and Wildfire Non-ByPassable (WF-NBC) charges.
最大月需求量 is the maximum demand during the current billing period.
年最大需求量 当前和之前11个结算期的最高月需求量是多少.
EECC是客户的商品价格,它可以收回SDG实际能源的成本&E purchases, as well as the cost of generation. 社区选择聚合(CCA)和直接访问(DA)客户从其CCA或DA提供商处获得EECC费率.
On Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) or Reduce Your Use event days, customers on event day rates do not have a generation demand charge. Instead, 他们可以通过容量预留费(CRC)来预留容量和/或在活动期间支付CPP事件费率
活动日计划的捆绑客户无需支付发电需求费用, 但他们仍然有与CCA或DA客户相同的非同步和峰值需求收费.
这两个词不一样. ‘Demand,’ as reflected on your energy bill, is based on the amount of energy that you use at one time. 与此同时, “需求响应”是一套自愿性计划,为在当地或全州电网能源需求高的指定时间内节能的客户提供经济激励.